THE Advertiser of two weeks ago reported two different views.
One was from Ludlow Food Bank: a "growing number of 'working poor'", "an increasing number of single men needing food parcels", "the inequality gap heavily slanted against younger people".
The other was from the government: "making work pay", "our economic plan is working", "good news for families" (mentioned three times).
And, in the same issue, we had the view of the leader of Shropshire Council, contemplating drastic cuts "draconian and unthinkable measures", "the most difficult financial strategy I think I have ever had to propose".
So here are some questions:
l For the leader of Shropshire Council: Where do you think our county is heading? Will our libraries and leisure centres etc still be here in five years’ time? And if not, will they be rebuilt in 10 years’ time – or however long it takes for the "economic plan" to work?
l For a "family-oriented" government: What of "the working poor", "single men" and "younger people"? Will your aim of a high-wage, low-tax economy deliver greater equality and better public services – or will there need to be another plan?
l For the users of Ludlow Food Bank: How does our county and our country look from where you are, and what kind of a county and country would you like to see?’
Chair of CTAL (Churches Together) 
Ludlow Under Pressure Group.