I’VE just read a letter from a recent edition of the Advertiser in which the writer bemoans the minuscule audiences that attend film viewings at The Regal cinema. As a keen movie-goer, I have to say that I’m surprised a sandwich board isn’t placed on the pavement (are we talking ‘elf ‘n’ safety?) outside the cinema, boldly advertising the film, the date and the time of showing.

This way, every passer-by would be aware of the forthcoming event, rather than just the enthusiasts who take the trouble to scan the rather obscured showcase.

Also, I’m afraid any criticism of the sound system is more than justified. At a recent showing of An Education, I found it very difficult to understand the dialogue and I heard other members of the audience say the same.

I always used to blame it on my aging hearing but the last time I mentioned it in the Advertiser, I had a call from a gentleman saying he agreed with everything I said. We’re very lucky to have a local cinema, especially as it shows so many of the latest productions. It’s just a shame that the audience sizes can’t be boosted by more street advertising and (for the benefit of us golden oldies) the sound system updated.

NORMAN WANSTALL, Boraston Drive, Burford.