THE plight of a Ludlow mother and daughter has highlighted the deepening crisis in dentistry in south Shropshire.

Claire Pound was happy with the dentist who looked after her daughter Eleanor until she received an unexpected letter.

The letter, from AFH Singleton and Associates, said the practice in Broad Street was only able to see children on the NHS if their parents were private patients and that her daughter could no longer be treated there.

"Eleanor has been going there since she was a baby and is now 10. I've had a change of circumstances and can no longer afford private treatment," said Claire of Normandy Close.

"This kind of ultimatum is like holding a gun to your head. I now have to trawl around the town to find a dentist who will treat my daughter."

She complained to Matthew Green, Liberal Democrat MP for Ludlow.

"The problem in Shropshire is acute," said Mr Green. "Many of my constituents are desperate to find an NHS dentist and they are being turned away. Parents are forced to either travel long distances or to pay privately for treatment."

Mr Green added that dentists were the only health providers who did not have to commit themselves to NHS work if they ran a private practice.

Claire's former dentist Aidan Singleton explained: "I am unable to comment on a specific case because of patient confidentiality. We went private some years ago. The reason we are able to spend so much time on children is that we are seeing adults on a private basis. We are only able to see children on the NHS if their parents are seen privately."

Heather Parsons, from Shropshire Primary Care Group, said: "It's quite legal, although it would seem in this case to be marginalising the daughter. Dentists have the right to choose whom they treat or do not treat. I think the parents in this case should ask around and approach other dentists in the area."

Claire is waiting for another Ludlow practice, which carries out NHS work, to say when they can accept Eleanor. The practice has told her a lot of children were already going there, for similar reasons.

She has filled in an application form and hopes for a place when a new dentist arrives in October.