CLEOBURY Mortimer craftswoman Myfanwy Baldwin is in a rush with preparations for a hat-making workshop.

She believes that weaving the water rush stems into intricate patterns is something that cannot be learned too quickly.

But she is certain that the fun of finding out how to create anything from a reed bowler to a sombrero will appeal to many.

Her group's next session at the Forestry Commission's Wyre Forest visitor centre will be on Sunday, October 5.

Mrs Baldwin, a member of the woodland's education team, said: "Absolutely everyone can gain huge enjoyment from weaving.

"For young hands it is the perfect medium for developing creativity and techniques that can be used in a wealth of other artistic disciplines.

"For older hands it is splendid exercise for keeping joints supple.

"Weaving's also just good honest fun. And learning how to do it is a smashing way to discover a new interest in life and make some fine friends."

Mrs Baldwin, a member of the West Midlands Weavers Club, said that people would learn how to mould and weave hats at her next session.

She said they would also be shown how to line and decorate their creations.

Tickets for the seven-hour course, beginning at 10am will cost £35 each. The price includes materials.

Further information is available by telephoning 01299 266929.