A donation of £1,000 has been made to Ludlow Cancer Support Group by the captain of Ludlow Golf Club.

Graham Cheshire’s first contact with Ludlow Cancer Support Group was when he told us about Men Like Us, a newly-formed cancer support group offering all aspects of non-clinical cancer support to men, many of whom could feel uncomfortable in a mixed group.

The idea was launched by the NHS team at Living With and Beyond Cancer, based at SaTH Trust in Shrewsbury, and as a founder volunteer, Graham wanted to involve LCSG in this new initiative.

Over the years, LCSG has raised thousands of pounds for a number of cancer and local charities, and, at the time of meeting Graham, was working with Ludlow Golf Club on a charity quiz night, in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust. Graham, currently captain of the golf club, and his wife, Tracey, who is lady captain then entered a team in the quiz.

During the course of the evening, Graham announced that he would be donating £1000 from his Captain’s Charity to Ludlow Cancer Support Group.

The money is now in LCSG’s account, and the committee will be meeting shortly to agree how best it should be spent.

LCSG is partnering with The Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust Cancer Services, South West Shropshire Primary Care Network, and the newly-formed group, Men Like Us, to stage a Living Well session in Ludlow on Friday, June 7.

Provided by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, this event has been specifically designed to help cancer sufferers and their family and friends access the support and practical and personal information they need during and after cancer treatment.

Presentations will deal with fatigue, physical activity, nutrition, and emotional wellbeing, and local services will be signposted. Family and friends are welcome, and discussion, non-clinical questions and shared experiences are encouraged.

The session is free and includes a sandwich lunch, and parking is available. To book a place or places email rosemary.wood3@gmail.com To learn more about Ludlow Cancer Support Group, visit the website at ludlowcancersupport.org.