A NEW top team has been announced in Worcestershire, with Tenbury's councillor David Chambers appointed to a new post.

The leader of Worcestershire County Council, Councillor Simon Geraghty, has announced the changes to his top team with effect from Thursday, May 9.

Coun Geraghty said: “I have made changes to my Cabinet team to support me and the wider council, to deliver on the ambitious agenda we have, to improve the council and the county of Worcestershire."

The refreshed cabinet team, he said, will help enable a renewed focus on the council's priorities and promises that have been laid out in its corporate plan.

Tenbury’s county councillor, David Chambers has been appointed to the Cabinet with responsibility for education.

Coun Chambers was previously the chairman of the children and families overview and scrutiny panel.

“I am delighted to be asked to take up this appointment, having spent most of my professional career working in the education sector," he said.

"I have always had a passion for education at all levels, vocational and academic, and strive for the best standards, in order that every child can reach their full potential.”

In addition to working in the education sector in the UK, Coun Chambers spent three years lecturing in Fiji as part of Britain’s Aid Programme following independence and for two years he was employed by the UN, training government employees in Burma.