A leading local wine merchant is the first business to sign up to a 50th anniversary campaign from Pentabus Theatre Company.

Tanners Wine Merchant is the first business to sign up for Pentabus's 50th anniversary campaign, which aims to sign up 50 businesses who will make a one-off donation to support their work.

The family-run Tanners is an independent shipper of estate wines with branches in Shrewsbury, Chester, Bridgnorth, Hereford, Welshpool, and Llandudno Junction.

Chairman James Tanner, said: “We are delighted to be part of Pentabus’ campaign to sign up 50 new businesses in their 50th year.

“At a time when funding in the arts has declined, it’s important to support the organisations that are keeping the sector thriving.

“We are privileged to have Pentabus in our region. They are one of the most esteemed national theatrical production companies, so it’s easy to forget they are a charity that needs our support. The local business community needs to get behind organisations like Pentabus who not only provide high quality productions but who also create pathways into careers in the creative industries for those underrepresented or young people in rural areas like ours.”

Pentabus is looking for 50 businesses to donate a one-off contribution of £500 towards the company’s work. In recognition of support, they will acknowledge each business in their printed play texts, which have both local and national distribution.

Businesses will be credited online and in their programmes for shows as well as on a wall of supporter fame which will be on display at Ludlow Assembly Rooms.

Cerin Mills, fundraising manager at Pentabus, said: “We are so grateful for the generous support from Tanners, and we hope it inspires more businesses to sign up! We are the only rural touring company committed to producing new work and tours to communities across the UK and beyond. Our work brings communities and young people together, bringing outstanding contemporary productions directly to isolated rural communities, as well as platforming rural stories in urban settings.”

If you are interested in supporting Pentabus please contact Cerin Mills, Fundraising Manager on cerin@pentabus.co.uk.