A FLOOD defence scheme will be coming to Tenbury, a councillor has confirmed, with works set to start soon.

Tenbury county councillor David Chambers has been working with Worcestershire County Council’s Highways Department and the council’s flood defence officers, to create a scheme that will help prevent Market Street from flooding, independently of the Environment Agency’s Flood Defence Scheme for the town.

The street has been hit by devastating floods over the years, with businesses suffering the brunt of the damage.

“Market Street floods from surface water and as a result of the underground water table, in addition to when the town centre floods, as a result of the river Teme bursting its banks”, said Councillor Chambers.

Ludlow Advertiser: Councillor David Chambers and West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin in Tenbury's Market StreetCouncillor David Chambers and West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin in Tenbury's Market Street (Image: Harriett Baldwin)

“Although a relatively small number of residents and business are affected each time Market Street floods, it is still devasting to those people. Homes are affected, business have to close and of course the town centre is cut off, which results in more businesses losing trade and diversion routes which affect us all”.

The scheme is designed for water to be diverted to a sump which will be built and then the water will be pumped out over the Kyre Brook wall.

Works are set to start in late March and are expected to take up to two weeks, with Market Street remaining open with one-way traffic, controlled by traffic lights.

“I am hopeful this will solve the additional flooding problem in Market Street," said Coun Chambers. 

“It is a scheme which we can adapt if necessary but I do want to emphasise that only the Environment Agency’s Flood Defence Scheme will prevent Market Street from flooding as a result of the river Teme flooding the town as a whole”