THE hunt is on for young people who could benefit from a Rotary Club scheme.

Each year Ludlow Rotary Club aims to sponsor one or two young people who might benefit from the Rotary Youth Leadership Award scheme.

This year three youngsters were sponsored by the club. Arlo Watson (almost 16) and Evan Prosser (almost 17) both live and study in Ludlow, while Henry Dyer (16), is from Cleobury Mortimer.

The scheme offers a fun yet intensive training programme for young people, both boys and girls, aimed at nurturing and encouraging leadership and communication skills and giving participants a head start at an early age.

This year's five-day residential camp, which will be held at Albrighton in August, will see participants joining activities to help them develop confidence and creative problem-solving methods.

Outdoor pursuits are a crucial part of the experience, and debates and discussion are also encouraged.

Ludlow Rotary Club meets all fees and transports the candidates to and from the venue.

Club spokesperson Sue Rew said the club's involvement with the youngsters does not end there.

"We have never failed to be impressed by how much the youngsters themselves recognise the positive impact and value that the programme has on their outlook as they begin to consider their future educational and career choices," she said.

Applicants must be over 16 and under 18 when the programme takes place in August 2025. Contact for more information.