DEVELOPERS have come back with a revised plan to turn a Ludlow house into a residential home for children with learning disabilities after their initial proposal was turned down.

Shropshire Council’s southern planning committee unanimously agreed the property in Temeside was not suitable due to the lack of parking.

Councillors said carers would either add to existing parking problems on the road, or have to risk their safety by walking to the nearest car park late at night.

The plans for 41 Clifton Villas were lodged earlier this year by Lena Greatwich, of newly formed care company Grey Davies Care.

She proposed housing up to four children with learning disabilities and autism at the home, supported by up to four staff at a time.

But planning officers recommended the scheme be refused on the grounds that there was only room for two cars on the driveway.

Ludlow Town Council had objected to the plans along with eight members of the public.

However, acting on behalf of Ms Greatwich, Ben Greenaway of Greenaway Planning Limited, said the application is supported by a transport statement which has been prepared by HJV Transport Ltd.

"The applicant intends to initially have one company vehicle, which will be parked on the drive," he said.

"This car will be used to take the young people to school, and will be used at evening and weekends for activities, such as shopping, leisure and other activities.

"With regard to staff, those that drive will be encouraged to park at Smithfield car park, which is a six minute walk from the site. This is a 24 hour car park and the applicant’s business will pay for parking permits to use this. Its location is close to the application site, on a main road and, importantly, is also well lit.

"Staff would also have the opportunity to use the park and ride facility, again paid for by the applicant’s business, for which the car park is out of town.

"The reasons for refusal are noted, however it is considered that these may readily be overcome by the measures proposed which, in turn, can be controlled by planning conditions. 25.

"There are clear economic and, in particular, social benefits associated with the proposed development that are not outweighed by any adverse impact."