A DENTAL practice has been given a clean sweep by a health watchdog.

The dentist on Corve Street in Ludlow is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led, says the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The Corve Street Family Dental Practice, run by Dr Aidan Singleton, provides private and NHS dental treatment.

Inspectors found there was no need for further action.

A report said: “We found this practice was providing care in accordance with regulations.

“The practice had implemented systems to assess, monitor and manage risks to patient and staff safety. This included national guidance.

“The practice had systems to review incidents and accidents. The practice had a system for receiving and acting on safety alerts.

“Staff described how they involved patients’ relatives or carers and were aware of their responsibility to respect people’s diversity and rights.

“Staff were aware of the importance of privacy. Staff password protected patients’ electronic care records and backed these up to secure storage. They stored paper records securely in a lockable cabinet.

“Staff gave patients clear information to help them make informed choices about their treatment. The practice’s information leaflet provided patients with information about the range of treatment at the practice and telephone numbers. The information was clear and well documented.

“The methods they used included, for example, photographs, X-ray images and an intra-oral camera.

“The practice organised and delivered reasonable adjustments, including a ramp.

“Staff could show how they demonstrated improvements over time. Staff discussed their training needs during informal discussions.

“They felt respected, supported, and valued by the practice manager. They were proud to work in the practice.”

Inspectors also said that to improve, the service should complete all recommended audits.

The dental team includes two dentists, two hygienists, five dental nurses, a receptionist, and a practice manager.