A LUDLOW councillor has blasted a proposal to close the town centre to traffic - saying it will have a detrimental effect. 

Shropshire Council wants to shut the High Street and King Street to traffic, as well as converting the Castle Street car park into an open community space and parking for market traders. 

An 'in-person roadshow' was held in at Entertainment Square in Ludlow last Thursday (May 11) in which people could hear about the proposals.

The schemes are part of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) being adopted by Shropshire Council. Other towns being looked into include Church Stretton. 

"My opinion is that closing the town centre to traffic would be detrimental to the town and its shops and restaurants," said Darren Childs, who represents Gallows Bank Ward at Ludlow Town Council.

"Ludlow market and shops depends on tourists and footfall and removing carparks and vehicle access with only have a negative impact on the town ,

"It will also make access for the elderly and disabled people more difficult and challanging and as a town we should be removing obstacles and barriers, not putting additional ones in

"The majority of people in Ludlow are against these plans and I would ask the local authority to visit the town, walk the areas and streets and put their feet on the ground to see what is practical and speak to local people to find out what they want and how they feel." 

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Other proposals include extending the 20mph area in the town centre to merge with the one to the north, and provide continious footways outside the railway station and crossings from the railway station.

A number of cycling schemes are also on the table to improve road safety. 

Roads being earmarked are Fishmore Road; the route along Bromfield Road and Corve Bridge; the A49 to Bromfield; the crossing of the A49 roundabout by Sainsbury's; the route through the main town centre and High Street areas; the local route through the residential area along Sandpits Road connecting to the hospital; and and the A41117 Rocks Green from the A49 roundabout to Henley. 

Andy Boddington added that he has already received thousands of comments from locals. 

"I don’t think it is practical to close King Street permanently even if it is desirable for pedestrians but we could reduce traffic," he said.

"Some ideas in LCWIP are impractical but there are a lot of good ideas.

No one surely is going to complain about proposals to improve the safety of crossing over the A49 at Sheet Road and Rocks Green? Or improving pedestrian access across the front of the station with a continuous path."

An online seminar seeking feedback will be held at 6pm on May 18 and 25, with workshops being held in schools in week commencing June 19.