ONE of the benches on Lower Galdeford is missing.

But Ludlow Town Council is onto the case.

One of the legs had collapsed due to rot and it is currently being repaired by local volunteer Graeme Perks.

Mr Perks has become the ‘go to’ person for benches in the town having refurbished many that had come to the end of their days.

The former Town and South Shropshire district councillor is a skilled craftsman who was trained at the London School of Furniture.

Several years ago, he also led the ‘skill builders’ project to help train young people in artisan skills like carpentry and cooking.

Mr Perks has also in the past been a leading figure in the Ludlow ‘Litter Pick’ initiative to keep the town clean and tidy.

He also made the wooden ‘silent soldiers’ that have become a regular part of the Remembrance commemorations in Ludlow every November.