HIGHWAYS chiefs have put the brake on plans to build a Marks and Spencer Food Hall on the Ludlow Eco Park.

Councillor Andy Boddington, Shropshire Councillor for Ludlow North, says that he is not surprised.

The Highways Agency that is responsible for the A49 that runs past the site have concerns that need to be addressed.

The delay will be at least three months but Mr Boddington says that it may be longer.

He says that the objections are on technical matters not to the principal of the development.

“Experience with other sites, such as Sainsbury’s and Foldgate Lane, shows developers find it challenging to meet National Highways’ demands,” wrote Mr Boddington, in a blog.

“National Highways can renew its objection after three months if it is not satisfied with responses.

“I am not surprised by the need for this objection.

“The ‘opening year’ has been given as 2023 in the transport assessments. At this rate, the site might not get planning permission before the summer, giving an opening date of late 2024.

“National Highways says the number of trips to and from the supermarket appear to be underestimated.”

“It recommends that the analysis of trips is revisited, including analysing peak flows for weekdays as well as Friday and Saturday. The pre-planning advice from Shropshire Council highways team said it had ‘serious concern’ with regard to overspill parking onto the local highway network.

“The current trip data does not give National Highways sufficient information to assess the impact of the development on the A49 Sheet Road roundabout.

“National Highways also says it needs more information on the site foundations along with any ground level changes that might affect the embankment down to the A49. It wants to see a lighting plan for the development given its proximity to the A49.”

There are concerns that the proposed Food Hall could take business from Ludlow’s independent town centres shops, already battling challenges.