AN attempt has been made to remove one of the hurdles that has caused a hold up to the flood defence scheme in Tenbury.

County Councillor David Chambers and District Councillor Bridget Thomas met last week with Church Wardens Philip Reese and Ian Chell, in an attempt to move the project forward.

“It appears Church leaders have received no formal proposals from the Environment Agency, no plans or drawings of any proposed scheme and so there remains uncertainty as to exactly what the Environment Agency is proposing,” said Mr Chambers.

The Councillors walked the site with Mr Reese and Mr Chell to hear exactly what the church felt was appropriate, realistic and acceptable.

“I have to say, the Church Wardens clearly want to see the flood defence scheme underway as quickly as possible, and the suggestions put forward to us by them, seemed entirely reasonable and sensible to me,” said Councillor Thomas.

Both Councillors felt the church was not being unreasonable in requiring the Environment Agency to provide a proposal in written form, which they can then submit to St. Mary’s Parochial Church Council. The process for any works involving church property is involved and can take some time for formal approval. Once the Parochial Church Council have agreed any proposal put forward, a “Faculty” will have to be prepared with approval from the Diocese and ultimately the Registrar of the Church of England in London.

Following the meeting, Councillor Chambers met with Simon Geraghty, Leader of Worcestershire County Council to request an urgent meeting with the Environment Agency at County Hall.

“Councillor Geraghty has agreed to chair a meeting with myself, the Cabinet Member for the Environment and leaders of the Environment Agency as soon as possible”, said Councillor Chambers.

“We really must move this flood defence scheme forward. We have had repeated delays and at best, it will be the end of the year before any works start. A concerted effort must now be made to get the scheme underway. Tenbury residents and businesses deserve nothing less”, he said.