A TENBURY councillor has expressed relief at the decision of Malvern Hills District Council to throw a £115,000 lifeline to the town’s swimming pool.

Cllr Lesley Bruton the Independent Councillor for Tenbury said it was very important news for the town.

“’It is fantastic news that the District Council will continue to support Tenbury Pool not only with revenue funding but also capital investment in the facility,” said Ms Bruton.

“The centre is an extremely important facility for the health and well-being of our community and the surrounding area.

“This investment, together with support from the community, Tenbury Town Council and other funding bodies, with ensure the future of our pool.

“Thank you to Tenbury Community Pool trustees for their hard work and commitment to secure the future of this valuable facility for our community.”

The pool and gym in Tenbury is a community owned facility run by Freedom Leisure on a day-to-day basis but it is now a Council facility although it receives money from Malvern Hills District Council but is also dependent upon local fund raising.

The trustees who oversee the pool said last year that high energy costs put its future at risk.

Local fund raising has also been restricted over recent years by the flood of February 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic.

They were asked for comment about the latest allocation of special funding but had not responded at the time of going to press.