WORCESTERSHIRE County Council is looking for representatives from groups or organisations to get involved and help shape active travel in Worcestershire.

An Active Travel Stakeholder Group is being set up to help define walking, cycling and wheeling provision across the county, support funding bids and review the production of plans going forward.

The County Council would like the group to consist of members to represent people from various backgrounds and from all over the county.

"When I was appointed as Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport last year, I was keen to find ways to take communities with us on this matter,” said Councillor Mike Rouse.

"Our stakeholder forum will deliver an opportunity for voices to be heard,so regardless of your experience, even if you don’t currently cycle or have additional needs, we want to hear from you.”

If you represent a group or organisation in Worcestershire and would like to get involved in improving active travel in the county, please email mip@worcestershire.gov.uk.