IN 10 days’ time a group of people will be sitting down together for Christmas dinner for the first time in three years.

‘Company at Christmas’ has been a long-standing annual event in Ludlow, bringing together people who would otherwise be on their own Christmas Day or housebound.

In recent years the event has been spoilt by the Covid-19 pandemic and last year it was decided to deliver food parcels instead.

This was the best option possible but did not enable people to come together which is the main purpose of the ‘Company at Christmas’ initiative.

But this year people will be together in person at the Helena Lane Day Centre in Hamlett Road.

The event will start at 12.30pm and is being organized by the Hands Together Ludlow charity.

Hands Together understands that Christmas can be a very tough time for many people, especially those isolated and on their own, with only memories of loved ones no longer with them.

There will be a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a vegetarian option will be available for those that do not eat meat. Diners will also have a choice between Christmas pudding and trifle to follow as well as coffee or tea and mince pies.

As well as the food, there will be a quiz and a chance to meet new people and make friends.

For those who do not have transport, help may be available and people are asked to call and discuss their need. There are only a limited number of people who can be helped in this way, but the charity will do what it can to assist.

The Christmas meal costs £10 but help may be available for anyone who has a problem with this, so call and discuss in confidence.

Bookings can be made using a form that is available from Ludlow Methodist Church and also at the Helena Lane Centre or the Hands Together Office at 15 Lower Galdeford.

If anyone wants more information or has any questions, they are asked to contact Di Garrini on 07939 551028 or by calling the Community Helpline, telephone 01584 917250.