THERE is concern at plans to change the organisation of fire services.

Cllr Eric Carter, Chair of the Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority said: “Earlier this month I was extremely concerned to see the publications within the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) document ‘Fire and Rescue Governance in Focus – PCCs Making A Difference Delivering an Efficient and Effective Fire and Rescue Service in England.’ which myself and the rest of the Fire Authority members, feel undermines the upcoming consultation process.

“Although some of the comments made in the document were contentious and in cases stretching the facts, my greatest concern is the Fire Minister’s endorsement in the document which was done with such strength during a time when we are about to go into a consultation on the future governance options for the Fire and Rescue Service.

“We are currently awaiting the opportunity to consult on a government white paper for reform.”