CLLR Tim Gill, Mayor of Ludlow is glad to share the good news that, ‘Markets are good for the local economy, but don’t just take our word for it – it’s been researched by the Institute of Place Management.”

Cllr Gill continued, “Ludlow Market is recognised in the report as a versatile and multi-use space that can be adapted to suit the needs of its users. And specifically the report says, “The same space or stalls can be used to sell different commodities targeting different social groups at different times as exemplified by Ludlow, and St George’s Market, Belfast. They can respond rapidly to change with new innovations such as Teenage Markets, night markets, and extended trading hours.”

The report also says that markets provide a constant indication of the general health and vitality of a town. The research shows that markets increase footfall within a town centre by between 15-27%, particularly within open outdoor markets such as Ludlow’s.’

Markets are positive contributors to their community economically, socially and politically. They also provide strong links between organisations within the town, local authorities, shop keepers and between traders of the market themselves.

Ludlow market manager, Tony Caton works closely with the local traders and also works to help the market forge links with the local community, and most importantly with young people.

Tony said, ‘I’ve spoken to local business students about the opportunities on the market, and Ludlow Colleges’ Business Studies Department have arranged for their students to trade on the market to get some firsthand experience.

I know that Ludlow Town Council is keen to develop this relationship, and I am delighted that it is part of my role to do this.’

Ludlow’s town clerk, Gina Wilding added ‘we agree with the report when it says markets facilitate community cohesion and social inclusion, and are crucial to the distinct identity of a town or area.’

She explained, ‘Ludlow Market is part of the Food Festival and the Medieval Festival. The market brings the spirit and opportunities outside the castle grounds and permits everyone to become involved in the experience of the event. Ludlow’s Market is an inherent part of the history and identity of the town. It has its own market logo identity, but the market is also part of the many local identities such as Local to Ludlow, Ludlow Farmers (local produce) Market, Ludlow Antiques market as well as local festivals.’

Mayor of Ludlow, Cllr Gill concluded, ‘the findings clearly show that it is everyone’s interests to retain and support local markets as a key assets of market towns.’