WITH regards to your front page story (Advertiser July 16) regarding Burford road safety, let’s not just look at the new island at that end of the village.Letter
Spare a thought for the residents on the Ludlow side of Burford who have tried for many years to have the speed limit reduced on the section of A456 passing our homes.  
I step out of my front gate and have only one small metre of concrete, not even a whole pavement between me and thundering lorries, which are often exceeding the national speed limit.  
I and my guests are frequently hooted at as we leave the gate by vehicles startled by our appearance. I then have to walk alongside the speeding often heavy traffic to my car parking area.  
Crossing the road here is an increasing nightmare and with the only footpath on the opposite side of the road we have no choice but to risk the speeding vehicles.  
I wrote to the Highways Agency some time ago, they informed me that until there is a fatal accident on this section of road they won’t even look at reducing the speed limit.
So someone has to die before they will consider it unsafe.
I and others applied for speed reduction this end when the island that doesn’t work was being installed at the other end.
We were told no.
However SLOW was painted on the road, unfortunately past our houses.
I really don’t understand the reluctance to make life safer for the residents this end of the village when other parts of the A456 with houses on have a much lower speed limit, as low as 30 in places. Perhaps someone can explain that to me.