I WRITE in response to the front page story (‘Reforms still hitting poor the hardest’ Advertiser, June 29) .

I welcome Neil Richardson’s appraisal of the lives and needs of the poorest of us in Ludlow and the Advertiser for giving his words publicity. Volunteers will respond to his call and charitable giving will increase because people care for their neighbours.

In recent times too many politicians have disgraced themselves and turned us off politics, and we have lost interest in making society fairer.

Some, sadly, see gambling as a temporary escape, greed has become much more acceptable, and with it an ‘I’m all right, Jack’ attitude.

Action must be taken on the gross and growing inequality in society.

We must not go on as we are.

Only national government can bring about radical reform.

Why do people in work find they cannot make ends meet?

What would change the apparently unstoppable march to rich and poor living different lives?

There must be answers.

It can be in the interests of those trying to keep things as they are to encourage us to put all our energy into volunteering and charitable work.


