CONTRARY to what Ron Hill claimed I cannot think of many social commentators or educationalists who believe the 11+ was the best means of promoting social mobility.

Apart from new right supporters such as Peter Saunders all the serious research on the subject says precisely the opposite.

The work of Halsey, Heath and Ridge and the associated work on social mobility by John Goldthorpe and Gordon Marshall shows that social mobility has not improved in any way post-war and the recent report by Alan Milburn drew on some of these pieces of research and also showed that the UK is a less fair country than others internationally because a person’s income is more linked to that of their parents here than elsewhere.

Entrance to grammar schools was also seen as highly linked to parental income and to evaluate the system you need also to consider the whole system including those confined to secondary modern schools.

The evidence on social mobility is clear. To promote more we need a more equal society as shown in the recent work by Wilkinson and Pickett. This is the real consensus of social commentators and educationalists and not the rather rosy romantic image Ron Hill presents.


Belle Vue Terrace
