A PLANNING inspector has allowed the building of a solar farm at Acton Scott.

This overturns a decision by Shropshire Council’s southern area planning committee who had rejected the scheme.

The decision to allow the solar farm to go ahead has been welcomed by local environmental campaigners.

“Environmental Charity Stretton Climate Care welcomes planning inspector’s approval for the Acton Scott Solar Farm,” said Jon Cooke, for Stretton Climate Care.

“The Inspector also restated Shropshire Council’s Core Strategy, Key Objective 19 that Shropshire will be a leader in addressing Climate Change.”

Stretton Climate Care supported this proposal as it will provide green, carbon free electricity for 1450 homes without significant harm to our environment.

In his report the Inspector said that there was no doubt that there was a need for renewable energy both nationally and in the local area.

The Inspector Philip Ware rejected the view of the planning committee that the development would cause unacceptable damage to the area.

“In line with national policy, I have given the conservation of the landscape and scenic beauty of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty great weight,” the inspector said in his report.

“Major development should be refused save in exceptional circumstances and where it can be demonstrated that the proposed development is in the public interest.

“In environmental terms, there would be slight harm caused to the natural environment in terms of the landscape of the area, albeit there would be some planting and ecological enhancements. However the proposal would be sustainable in terms of the need to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy.”

The decision comes as a slap in the face for Shropshire Planners who had the rejection of a scheme for more than 200 homes at Bromfield overturned at the end of last year.