SORRY, yet another letter in reply to Mr Garry Thomas' RRA Architects, recent statement in the Advertiser.

These plans must have been discussed and drawn up at least 18 months ago.

To say NOW "residents must be considered" is not in order.

Residents were not even approached or consulted as to the proposed design of the building.

Given that this structure will only be a few metres away from their living areas, it is obvious they knew it would be criticised and objected to by those affected by the project.

Also, this conservation area would be subject to an increase in traffic when the college will be open for other venues, especially late in the evenings let alone the sanctioned vandalism of an inner courtyard atmosphere.

Then, as expected the architects can come forward and produce their Plan Two!

Making themselves and the college appear to be very generous and considerate with very small amendments!

Then they expect the planning department to look favourably at their amendments and give the plans the go ahead to proceed, without any further discussions!

One of the many major concerns, which has not been addressed by the architects, is the drastic amount of light pollution and light intrusion from this glass transparent structure in this peaceful inner courtyard!

Architects, reuse your creativeness and embrace this enviable area you have been given to create a more deserving building.

Mrs Evelyn Hughes,

Lower Raven Lane,
