My mother-in-law is not a wealthy person, but is a proud woman nevertheless. She has a small garden in Rock Lane, Ludlow, where I try every year to bring a touch of colour, of which she is very appreciative.

This year we decided to go for a selection of lilies, some in garden planters and some in the flowerbeds. This week most of them were about to burst out into flower and the largest of these were the ones in the flowerbed, which had large white buds towering proudly over the rest of the bed.

Between Sunday evening and this morning, some callous, immature person decided that they had the right to cut down these lilies and steal them from the garden.

I hope they die very quickly (the lilies that is).

They did however have the courtesy not to stand on the garden and damage anything else and carefully broke the lilies off at the base of the stem (the sort of thing an adult would do).

If they wanted lilies so badly, why didn't they buy some earlier this year and grow them themselves like any other normal decent person.

I hope they read this letter and feel some sort of remorse, but that is very doubtful, especially how some people in Ludlow are brought up.

How something so simple can be so upsetting for a person, who has done no harm to anybody. Sad isn't it?

(Name and Address Supplied).