n SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB: Mrs Janet Poundford gave everyone a very warm welcome to the mid-November meeting which she chaired.

It was announced that the Christmas lunch would take place in the Station Inn, at Marshbrook, on December 10, and further details of the arrangements would be given out at the next meeting.

A speaker from Hope House Hospice was introduced, giving his audience a talk about the work and activities which went on daily in the life of everyone at the hospice.

He was thanked by the president, Mrs Norwich, for this most interesting talk.

The prizes in the raffle were won by Mr Atkinson, Mrs Randall, Mrs P Price, Mr Poundford and Mrs D Alston.

The next meeting is due to take place tomorrow (Friday), at 2.30pm, in the Silvester Horne Institute.

Visitors and new members will be welcome.

n GARDENING CLUB: Church Stretton and District Gardening Club members will be getting together next Tuesday to hear Mr M Everett's talk about Plants and Gardens of Madeira.

Mr Everett is a retired university lecturer and a keen photographer and gardener - just the man for a knowledgeable, colourful account of Madeira.

Visitors are always welcome to attend club meetings, which are held in the Silvester Horne Institute.

Doors open at 7pm for coffee and tea in readiness for the 7.30pm start.

Admission for non-members is £1.50. For more information about the club, ring the secretary on 01694 724371.

n CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: The local branch of Cancer Research UK is due to host a Christmas bazaar on Saturday, in the Silvester Horne Institute, when gifts, books, cakes, bric-a-brac and Christmas cards will all be on sale.

There will also be a tombola and a raffle. Admission is free. Opens 2pm.

n BIG SWITCH-ON: Sunday, November 28, is the date for the Christmas fair, from noon and 6pm when the lights will be switched on.

During the afternoon there will be street entertainment with barrel organ and brass band, wandering minstrels, carol singers and a fun fair, together with a beer bar, food and drink stalls and a hog roast.

Craft stalls will be open and Father Christmas will be in his grotto and the baby will be in his manger.

The switch-on of the lights ceremony will take place before the musical evening gets under way in the Longmynd Hotel, from 7pm until 11pm.

n CHRISTMAS CONCERTS: The Choral Society holds its Christmas concert in Church Stretton School, on Saturday, December 4, at 7.30pm with a programme including seasonal carols, Vivaldi's Gloria, with Lorna Crosse, soprano, and Joan Longmore, contralto.

Ensemble leader is David Joyce. Tickets cost £8, including programme and refreshments, and are available through Burway Books and choir members.

The Royal British Legion members will be hosting their Christmas concert in Church Stretton School on Friday, December 10, at 7.30pm, when the Craven Arms Men's Chorus and Knighton Town Band will be entertaining.

Tickets cost £6, including light refreshments, and are available from Wrights Estate Agents and Burway Books.

n OUT OF TOWN EVENTS: Chicago Blues/Funk will be providing the music in Picklescott Village Hall, from 8.30pm, on Saturday.

Ring 01694 751335 for tickets which cost £6.

n FILMS: Very Annie Mary is the film due to be screened in Hope Bowdler Village Hall, next Wednesday, at 7.30pm. The film is set in Ogw village, which is full of loveable eccentrics who aim to keep each other endlessly entertained, and provides an hilarious take on village life.

Admission is £3 per adult and £1.50 per youngster, and refreshments are available.

On Friday, December 3, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban will be the Flicks in the Sticks's offering in Acton Scott Village Hall, at 7pm. Certificate PG.

n TRIP: Ask for seats on the Christmas shopping to France trip. scheduled for Saturday, at a price of £25. Ring 01694 724522.

n SERVICE: A Christingle service is due to be held in St Margaret's Church, Acton Scott, on Sunday, December 5, at 11am.

n SCHOOL NEWS: Church Stretton School governors are inviting parents to attend the annual governors' report to parents meeting, which is due to start at 7pm, next Wednesday.

In the chairman's annual statement, thanks are expressed to everybody who contributes to the life of the school.

The governors value highly the commitment of every member of the school community which is essential to the school's continued success.

Governors are proud that standards have been maintained and are well above the national average over Key Stage 3 and GCSE, and would especially like to congratulate Year 11 on their success at GCSE, GNVQ and Entry Level.

This year will see the first classes at Key Stage 4 studying an Applied GCSE in Health and Social Care, Level 1 Certification in Engineering Skills and NVQs in land based areas.

This is part of the continuing curriculum reform to put more emphasis on vocational opportunities at Key Stage 4. The past year has seen several changes in staffing with 10 new appointments as a result of promotions, retirements and career changes.

In particular, Dr Nicholas Deeley retired after 24 years in the science, resources and learning support departments.

The governors have expressed their gratitude to him for all he has contributed to the school, and wished him all the very best in his retirement.

Mrs Sheelagh Wilson also retired after 14 years as school librarian and the governors have thanked her for all her hard work and wished her all the best for the future.

Thanks are also expressed to the many parents, traders and members of the public, who have supported the school and its activities and the PTA for its tireless fund-raising and work on behalf of the school.

The governors, head and senior management team are continuing to investigate ways to extend the success of the school, whose bid to achieve technology college status is now well under way, and to widen the curriculum so that every pupil has an appropriate range of opportunities regardless of ability.

St Lawrence's Primary School is due to hold its fair today (Thursday), from 3.30-5.30pm, when there will be toys, books, nearly new children's clothing, and a raffle.

From next Monday, the fruit tuck shop will be up and running on a trial basis, and be manned by parent volunteers.

Last Friday the school held a non-uniform day with all money collected going to Children in Need.

Pupils have also donated 45 shoeboxes to the Operation Christmas Child Appeal.

Congratulations to the pupils who took part in the Cross County event organised by Church Stretton School PE Department. Of the five schools which attended, St Lawrence's won all four team events!