THE buck does indeed stop with me as Mayor of Ludlow, so please let me reply to Caroline Downes's letter (What a Spectacle Parade Was,Ludlow Advertiser, November 18).

I'm surprised that Mrs Downes was left with such a negative impression - certainly as I chatted to Mick Merrick just after we took the salute and 'inspected' the parade in Mill Street, we agreed that it had been a great day with a great turnout.

Chatting to people in the parade, and others a little later at the British Legion, it seemed that everyone was happy with how the day went.

And two business colleagues in Corve Street - Mark from the Nutty Barber and Andy from the Little Red Car - both stopped me in the street on the Monday, to say how well they reckoned the day went.

To address Mrs Downes's points. First. The Mayor didn't inspect the parade before the service, because it had been agreed with the British Legion to discontinue this practice.

It had meant youngsters forming up early and standing in the cold for a long time.

Second. The town council left the market stalls but removed the boards and rails so that people could stand under the canvas awnings during the wreath-laying. As it happens, we had a lovely day.

The Assembly Rooms donated the equipment and a technician to play the marching music, and this needed to be kept under cover as well.

Leaving the stalls we not only provided shelter but also saved Council Tax payers £600 dismantling and re-erection costs.

I agree that the red bins are an eyesore - even though they didn't really impact on the wreath-laying. Perhaps we should have trundled them somewhere else for the day.

We're working hard to get rid of them, and they won't be in the square next Remembrance Sunday.

It was the town council working with volunteers and a contractor who put up the lights in Broad Street. Work had started at 7am, with some council staff members breaking off at 10am to join the service and parade, then resuming work, on an unpaid basis, at lunchtime.

It didn't interfere with the parade in any way.

I can't comment about the arrangements with the church, as I don't know the details, but Mr Merrick, vice-chairman of the Ludlow Royal British Legion told your reporter that the service started late because of the numbers involved. Not perfect, I'm sure, but not as bad as the picture Mrs Downes painted!

And all down to the hard work of an organising committee which had been meeting regularly since November 2003 to get the day right.

The one big thing that we miss in Ludlow is a town band - it seems that it will be piped music at future events until we can get local musicians involved.

I'd urge Mrs Downes, and anyone else who would like to have their say and help organise next year's event to contact Hannah Coleman at Ludlow Town Council, on 01584 878437, or drop a line into the Buttercross. The more practical help and support, the better, I say.

And we'd love to hear from any musicians who'd like to help provide live marching music next year.

Graeme Kidd

Mayor of Ludlow.