THE Bishop of Hereford ordained three people to work in the ministry at a ser vice on Sunday at Hereford Cathedral.

The trio were among ten ordinands in the diocese, who will go on to become priests next year.

Ahead of that, they will assist team ministries across the diocese.

“They are a group of diverse people from a variety of backgrounds, as is usual for those who serve the church locally,”

said Marylou Toop, director of ordinands.

The three are Chris Moore and Hilar y Morgan, who will join the Tenbury team ministry, and John Beesley, a teacher in Knighton, who will work with the Ludlow team ministry.

“I think we are very fortunate in not just the number of people who offer themselves for this role, but in the calibre of those who come forward,”

said the Bishop of Hereford, the Rt Rev Anthony Priddis.