A LUDLOW hotel is set to replace a roof terrace with two extra guest bedrooms.

The Charlton Arms Hotel, near Ludford Bridge, has asked Shropshire Council for permission to carry out the work as well as listed building consent. 

In a design and access statement, consultants C J Richards MBE Conservation Services said the plans reflect the changing customer demands of the hospitality industry in Ludlow.

Consultants said that with the closure of some long-established hotels/guest houses in the town, the demand for letting bedrooms exceeds that available within the current configuration of the grade II-listed Charlton Arms.

They said the existing first-floor terrace is underused for much of the year with awkward stair access and issues of water penetration into the building structure.

So the hotel wants to convert the terrace and associated sitting area into two bedrooms extending over the whole roof area creating a weatherproof enclosure. The existing bedroom above will have improved access onto the second-floor balcony.

A new customer terrace will be created along the existing riverside walkway with extendable pull-out canopies from the stone retaining wall.

The proposal, which has been recommended for approval, will be heard by Shropshire Council's Southern Planning Committee next Tuesday (January 16).