PLANS have been submitted to change the frontage of a shop in Cleobury Mortimer.

The property, 11 Church Street, is a Grade II listed building and located within a conservation area. John Sant wants to replace the front with a double glazed Georgian style sliding sash window and front door to match its neighbours. 

"The building dates from 1820, and is a three-storey solid brick construction, a ground floor shop front, a cellar, timber floors, and asymmetrical pitched roof," said Julie Widdowson, from Severn Architects, an agent acting on Mr Sant's behalf..

"The proposed alterations are to the façade only and therefore it is unlikely that there would be any archaeological interest in these works.

"Externally the building is very modest in its architectural details. The official Historic Englands Listing mentions the brick-cogged dentil course eaves, slate roof with steeper plain-tiled rear pitch, central brick ridge stacks, and the three-storey, two-window range of sashes in openings with painted stone lintels to upper floors and the ground floor shop front.

"Although the shop front is mentioned it’s thought that the current one is not the original, as the evidence on site suggests that even this has been replaced over time."

The agent added there is also no evidence that number 11 is associated with anyone or anything historically other than it5 is a building that was part of an historic community and gives us an insight into how those communities lived.