BIRDS were the main attraction in Craven Arms

The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre gave a special day to feathered flyers.

It was all part of supporting the ‘great garden birdwatch’ that is organised by the RSPB and takes place very year.

The annual event encouraged people to get into their gardens and count as many different species of birds as they can.

As well as encouraging people to take an interest in birds and their protection it also gives the RSPB an idea about how the various different species are getting on.

The Discovery Centre in Craven Arms also had a display of owls for that people could get up close to these birds of prey. Some species of owl such as the Barn Owl that used to be very common on south Shropshire and all over the country have been hit by habitat loss.

A Red Kite feeding centre is being built at the centre in Craven Arms.

These birds are the size of a buzzard and are notable for russet red colour and forked tail. Only the White tailed Sea Eagle and Golden Eagle that are found in Scotland are larger birds of prey in this country.

Red kites were at one time numerous but were then persecuted almost into extinction but hung on in small numbers in the Welsh Hills.

They are now protected and in recent years number have increased and they can be seen souring in different parts of the country.