COFFEE AND CHAT MORNING - Tenbury U3A at the Methodist hall, Cross St, Tenbury. Tomorrow (Friday) 10am – 12noon, everyone welcome.

SMALLHOLDER CHICKENS - You are kindly invited by Teme Vetinerary Practice to a free talk on hatching chicks by Andy Cawthray, The event will be held at The Fountain Inn, Tenbury Wells on March 26 at 7.30pm.

Telephone 01584 810227 to book a place.

RAISING AWARENESS - Of mental health in Tenbury Wells. The district council is hosting a mental health conference today (Thursday) at 6.30pm at the Pump Rooms, Tenbury. Get information, have your say, share experiences. Come along and share your views with the local community to see what we can do to help support those with mental health issues.

ST MICHAEL’S PLAYERS - Presents Robin and His Magic Lamp or Dick and His Merry Men at the St Michael's village hall, on March 22/23 at 7pm.

Raffles and refreshments, tickets £7 adults £3.50 children from Tina Cole (01584 750675), Janet Penn (01584 810328), Chris Fisher (01584 810868) or Harlequin and Tenbury News in Tenbury.

JUMBLE SALE - In aid of Shrewsbury Leukaemia Unit at the Tenbury Methodist hall on March 16, 10am- 12noon.

TENBURY WRITERS GROUP - Museum Workshop - Finding inspiration from items held in the Tenbury Museum to help promote the history of the town.

Tenbury Library, Tuesday at 7.30pm.

Visitors welcome.

MARCH FUN WALK - March 17 from Eastham memorial hall at 10am. Long and short walk options. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels, £2 walk only, £5 walk with soup and cake. If inclement weather ring Pen: 01584 781255 or David: 07876 652015 for confirmation.